Blog Post - RulTech




Strict Mode on Android 2.2

Set the Android Manifest to something like this. <uses-sdkandroid:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="16" android:maxSdkVersion="16"/> Use the Code below in onCreate Method as shown @Override protected void onCreate() { int SDK_INT = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (SDK_INT>8) { StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build(); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy); } [...]




Android: Fragments within Fragments

I was building out the settings stuff first (the app needs credentials to work so I kinda had to start there), which was relatively easy. I wanted to create a setup flow, whereby when you start the app it checks if you have credentials that are valid and if not walks through the setup procedure. I was using fragments to do this, each setup page being a different fragment rendered within the whole window in the main activity. IUpon realising that I had already built a PreferenceFragment for the config settings a user had to setup at the beginni [...]




Common Bugs When Testing iOS Apps

The bugs we’ve encountered ranged from app specific usability issues to general issues common amongst many apps. Today, we want to highlight 5 issues that we’ve encountered repeatedly, using some of the most popular apps as examples. The list below is presented in no particular order. Handling Bad Network Connections iOS devices are inherently mobile, so apps cannot assume permanent, fast connections to the internet. Tasks requiring network connections should generally be asynchronous and notify the user if they fail due to lack o [...]




Load custom marker on GoogleMap V2

To load custom icon as marker of GoogleMap V2, save the icon in drawable folder. Load it using the code protected void addCustomMarker() { BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.ic_launcher); myMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(point) .icon(bitmapDescriptor) .title(point.toString())); } [...]




Testing on Android

Unit Tests JUnit Tests There's no reason you can't use normal JUnit 4 testing for Android applications... as long as you stay away from anything Android. Normally you compile against the SDK's android.jar, which contains nothing but stubbed methods that throw exceptions when run. When you actually upload your APK to a device, it uses the device's implementations of all those stubs. As a result, when running normal unit tests in your IDE, you get no access to those framework implementations (instead receiving mountains of exceptions). This i [...]




Android swipe gesture implementation

When developing an Android app, you can use the intuitive Gesture Detector class horizontally, vertically, and diagonally to translate subtle motions into distinct events. One of the coolest things about the modern smartphone is the wide array of input and sensory devices available. In the past, we've covered Android's internal vibrator and the accelerometer. This tutorial is about Android's impressive Gesture Detector class, which you can use to translate subtle motions into distinct events for navigating a complex application on a small form [...]




Useful Plugins for Xcode

What’s this all about? This is just a short collection of some useful Xcode 4/5 plugins I use. Most of us Cocoa developers, I guess, are looking about for making our development environment a more friendly and “warm” place with features enriching the development experience. This list is far off being complete and will be extended permanently. So if you like it you should take a look at it from time to time. UncrustifyX Xcode plugin to uncrustify the source code opened in the editor.The goals of this project are simple: Create [...]




Keyboard on iOS

The keyboard is present in nearly every application out there. Using the keyboard is the easiest way to provide users with a way to input alphanumeric data into applications. Trivial as it might look like in the beginning, a correct implementation of keyboard behavior can be a costly endeavor. Multiple keyboard states make it hard to implement logic that will behave correctly for all of them. This post will cover my observations and experiences with the keyboard system in iOS. I will try to describe some basic concepts behind the keyboard no [...]


RulTech is a provider of total IT support & services viz. Installation, Configuration, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Mobile development (iPhone & Android applications), Web Development (Java, dot net, PHP, Word Press, Joomla open source), Content writing & Data Analysis.