Portfolio - RulTech





PrepMyPalate iOS

Welcome to Prep My Palate. The premiere dining directory that offers both visual and audio descriptions of restaurants entire menu. PMP wants to prepare you for your unique dining experience. Now, there is never a need to wonder about the presentation of your cuisine because it will always be visually at your finger-tips before you make your selection. Presenting you with a video, photo, and full descriptions of your actual meal, you can now select confidently knowing exactly what you are about to feast upon. So relax as you browse and enjoy [...]




Are you IN: Nightlife Events iOS

Download "Are you IN? FREE and make your android AWESOME! Are you IN was designed to bring you the hottest and closest events right to the palm of your hand, using the GPS in you mobile device. Live Music, Dj's Theater Comedy,Festivals,Concerts, Shows, Nightlife, and attractions... whatever you may be looking for, we got you covered. Who says there's nothing to do in Wisconsin and the surrounding area? Are you IN? Is easy to use: Click and scroll format. Push notifications make it simple to follow your favorite venues and categories. Use the [...]




Are you IN: Nightlife Events Android

Download "Are you IN? FREE and make your android AWESOME! Are you IN was designed to bring you the hottest and closest events right to the palm of your hand, using the GPS in you mobile device. Live Music, Dj's Theater Comedy,Festivals,Concerts, Shows, Nightlife, and attractions... whatever you may be looking for, we got you covered. Who says there's nothing to do in Wisconsin and the surrounding area? Are you IN? Is easy to use: Click and scroll format. Push notifications make it simple to follow your favorite venues and categories. Use the [...]




Madhyantika Herbals

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian medical science, the origin of which can be traced back to more than 5000 years. The source of Ayurveda are the vedas , the oldest available classics. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, derived from two roots: Ayur, which means life, and Veda, which mean knowledge. It is fair to say that Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life. It is only system of medicine which incorporates suggestions and remedies for both healthy and dise [...]





Job Description   quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.   10342 HAPPY CUSTOMERS 63 PROJECTS COMPLETED 40H WORK HOURS   Project Details  [...]





Welcome to Prep My Palate. The premiere dining directory that offers both visual and audio descriptions of restaurants entire menu. PMP wants to prepare you for your unique dining experience. Now, there is never a need to wonder about the presentation of your cuisine because it will always be visually at your finger-tips before you make your selection. Presenting you with a video, photo, and full descriptions of your actual meal, you can now select confidently knowing exactly what you are about to feast upon. So relax as you browse and enjoy [...]




Popup SMS Pro

Popup SMS Pro... is the version with lots of more features ....if you want you can try the Popup SMS and if you feel you require the pro version then go for it the major difference are as follows. Full feature list for Popup SMS pro:
    Also customize notifications f [...]




    Popup SMS

    Popup SMS brings you cool UI, fast and convenient SMS experience. Popup SMS provides a convenient popup dialog when a message is received that allows you to quickly read and reply or forward or call to messages. Quickly read and reply or forward or call to SMS messages from a convenient popup window. It also provides in-depth customization of message notifications including contact specific sound, vibrate and LED settings. Popup SMS is a tiny application, which is receiving SMS messages as a notification with popup. Have a useful experience w [...]


    RulTech is a provider of total IT support & services viz. Installation, Configuration, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Mobile development (iPhone & Android applications), Web Development (Java, dot net, PHP, Word Press, Joomla open source), Content writing & Data Analysis.