What RulTech - RulTech




Keyboard on iOS

The keyboard is present in nearly every application out there. Using the keyboard is the easiest way to provide users with a way to input alphanumeric data into applications. Trivial as it might look like in the beginning, a correct implementation of keyboard behavior can be a costly endeavor. Multiple keyboard states make it hard to implement logic that will behave correctly for all of them. This post will cover my observations and experiences with the keyboard system in iOS. I will try to describe some basic concepts behind the keyboard no [...]

What You Need from RulTech

Today there are lots of IT support companies. Which works on the same concept, which we work on, so we have to stand ourselves out and show our clients, what the actually need from us, that makes us different from others. What all the Total IT solution companies do ? How does they work ? What are their strategy to cover the market and make money ? Here RulTech has a little story to make you understand, how we stand different from others. RulTech's one of the director is in this Industry from more than 10-12+ years. He has worked with local as [...]

When You Need RulTech

Are you a student, working women, house wife, business, organization, industry , etc ? Do you work with electronic gadgets, like computers, laptops, servers, smart phones, security systems, etc? Have you got any issues, troubles, questions about installing, configuring, maintaining, or selecting the right product ? If you got any queries starting from making IT purchase which helps you with best use. Its time you need RulTech. We are one stop solution for everything.Are you having any idea of innovative product and you confused with how / whe [...]

Where You Need RulTech

The real question is where is Information technology not used ? It's difficult to answer the above question because Information technology has become a part of our daily life , starting from reading online news to preparing presentations in office and communicating over email or Skype. Even while working or relaxing listening to our favourite song list synced over the cloud. We are so used to it that we have forgotten the Pro's and Con's of the same. RulTech helps you to understand your need in an optimised, Smart, Secure and economical ways [...]

Why You Need RulTech

Information Technology is all around us, it's in our home, business, schools, every where. We are getting more and more dependent on Information Technology. There is BIG question to it WHY? We think because it makes our lives more easy and simple, Like when we are at home, we listen to on-line music, we shop on-line for our basic needs or we are at office we send mails or chat for instant communication which is more SECURE, AUTHENTIC and LEGAL way of communication. It means we are creating a on-line identity either for a person or a business [...]




Useful Plugins for Xcode

What’s this all about? This is just a short collection of some useful Xcode 4/5 plugins I use. Most of us Cocoa developers, I guess, are looking about for making our development environment a more friendly and “warm” place with features enriching the development experience. This list is far off being complete and will be extended permanently. So if you like it you should take a look at it from time to time. UncrustifyX Xcode plugin to uncrustify the source code opened in the editor.The goals of this project are simple: Create [...]

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Wallpaper Changer

Want to Change Wallpaper ? Thank you Friends for Reporting the issues...Please help us to give you better app instead of you giving us Bad Review, Just try to give us 1 Chance to support you. Just Shaking your Phone will do the stuff, how Easy, Fast and Efficient Way is that!!! This app will just do the same. Install and Select the Folder for wallpaper and forget everything. Whenever you shake your phone it will change the wallpaper for you. Note: Long Click the Folder for Selecting. It has many other features like change wallpaper on unlocki [...]




Madhyantika Herbals

Job Description   quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.   10342 HAPPY CUSTOMERS 63 PROJECTS COMPLETED 40H WORK HOURS   Project Details [...]

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Job Description   Welcome to Prep My Palate. The premiere dining directory that offers both visual and audio descriptions of restaurants entire menu. PMP wants to prepare you for your unique dining experience. Now, there is never a need to wonder about the presentation of your cuisine because it will always be visually at your finger-tips before you make your selection. Presenting you with a video, photo, and full descriptions of your actual meal, you can now select confidently knowing exactly what you are about to feast upon. So relax [...]

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Job Description   quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.   10342 HAPPY CUSTOMERS 63 PROJECTS COMPLETED 40H WORK HOURS   Project Details [...]

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RulTech is a provider of total IT support & services viz. Installation, Configuration, Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Mobile development (iPhone & Android applications), Web Development (Java, dot net, PHP, Word Press, Joomla open source), Content writing & Data Analysis.